Sunday, May 13, 2012

Today is the birthday of my mother Effie Mary Magdelene Hesler Wallace, 4-11-1932 - 4-12-1988 , My mother was just a common housewife no special career or community accomplishements....Not perfect or not flawless....But she had a relationship with God that I have only seen in a few....She did not leave money or treasures to us 4 kids but by all means she left more to us that would carry us thr...u the pains and failures that lifes bumps can bring.....she left us a legacy.. she taught us the knowledge of prayer, she taught us to love God and to live according to his commandments....she prayed for us dailey and fervently up to her death, she prayed for her children and her childrens children the ones that was not even born yet....all four children are christains and love God and some continueing what she had started.... her prayers were answered and are still being answered, we love you mom

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